For inbound travel agencies, summer time is always about boosting the working energy at the office during lazy days in the off season by the so-called Incentives. The Responsible Travel Club of Vietnam (RTC) believes this time is a great time for members’s staff to meet up and have an open networking to live and learn together. The idea has been positively agreed and supported by all travel agency members and their staff. As a result, in cooperation with one of RTC’s supporting members, HTM Consultancy Management as expert facilitator, RTC has organized a 3-day workshop from 10 – 12 of July on “Sales Skills for Travel & Tourism” for Top Managers and Sales Executives of 7 members who are inbound travel agencies in RTC. Responsible Travel is not a trendy tour, it is attitude that requires actions from different stakeholders in the tourism. Inevitably, travel agents’ staff is the key point in the chain. The purpose of the workshop was to improve the sales skills for the sales, to provide the staff with updated information in the industry, and to create an open environment for personnels from different companies to share experience and make friends.
The workshop has separated into 2 sessions: 1 day for the top managers to discuss, analyze and solve management problems which are the roots for issues occured within the working place, and 2 days for sales with on-job training, brainstorming and team working on sales issues.
Mr.Kai Schroeter, Director of HTM Consultancy Management, who had more than 15 years experience working in tourism industry in Vietnam, currently a member ofEurocham, was the facilitator throughout 3-day workshop.
Top managers at the first day of workshop
Silent post man, a fun game with a lesson to learn, every individual in a team is equally an important link to the outcome of the group
Group Brainstorming
Group presentation infront of the class
Instruction from Mr.Kai
Rewarding certificate for each participant
Last but not least, networking
The 3-day workshop finished with so many good feedbacks as well as honest critical comments from participants for our next similar workshops to come in the coming time. “We could have lot of changes in our job check-list after this workshop, thanks again RTC for such experience”, said Linh from Footprint Vietnam. RTC was proud to finally put out something big and useful for our members and their strong team. A good kick off for the next workshop.
Lan Chi