Workshop on Environmental impacts of tourism to responsible travel development
Date: May, 25th, 2011
Duretion: 3 days
Venue: Lavievulinh, Yên Bái Province
RTC – The Responsible Travel Club of Vietnam
WWF – World Wild Fund Vietnam
SNV – The Netherlands Development Organization
Responsible tourism is about respecting, protecting and benefiting local communities, cultures and the environment. For the tourism industry, it is about meeting the expectations of travellers, and protecting what is unique and special about a destination. It can also be about the bottom line, with many operators recognising that responsible tourism practices boost profits by cutting consumption and offering a marketing edge over the competition. This workshop aims to involve the staff of each member. They will often have great ideas of what one can do within one’s business to improve the performance, and one will need their support to make your initiatives work.
- Raising awareness on the environmental impacts of tourism to responsible travel development;
- SWOT analysis for responsible travel development in Vietnam’s tourism environment;
- Alternative solutions for Small, Medium Enterprises to minimize the environmental impacts.
- Expertise guidelines from the representatives of WWF and SNV Vietnam;
- Group work on SWOT analysis and Solution Findings;
- Field trip in and around Lavievulinh to learn about the comprehensive structure of ecosystem in one particular tourism destination.